Monday 15 July 2013

Grapefruit/Orange Cheesecake:

It may seem bizarre that this is made almost backwards but it ensures a perfect base. Sometimes it can absorb moisture from the unset filling which can make it not taste as good but it shouldn’t be a massive problem should you choose to make the base first. Just leave it overnight in the fridge once the topping is made.

15g gelatine
40ml cold water
450g cream cheese *see NY Cheesecake*
200ml juice *You'll need 1 - 2 grapefruits / 3 - 4 oranges* *see Tips*
70g caster sugar
300ml cream (½ double cream, ½ whipping cream)
135g digestive biscuits
55g butter, melted

Decoration: You can make a jelly like the “Moro Cheesecake, or you could top with drained tinned fruit segments or even nicer, crystallised fruits/segments/flowers, coming soon. *see Tips* 

Oil a 20cm springform round tin and line the base with baking parchment. Make sure the oil on the base comes through the paper.

Sprinkle the gelatine over the water and leave to 'sponge' for 10 minutes. Next, heat it gently in a bain-marie until it goes clear and set it aside.

Whip the cheese by hand mixer on slow until soft then beat in the juice and sugar. Now, fold in the gelatine and make sure it is evenly dispersed throughout the mix. Whisk the cream until thick but not too stiff and fold in. Pour into tin and smooth top then leave to set in fridge.

When set, blitz the biscuits and pour in the melted butter with the motor going. Press this evenly over the set filling. Leave overnight.

Turn out onto a serving plate and decorate. This is a really nice combination of the two: glaze + fruits.

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