Friday 12 July 2013

Moro Cheesecake:

Ok, so for any of you that were thinking: "What the hell is that?" The Moro is a variety of blood orange. They are generally at their best in early April, but you can still find some well into May. They have a far stronger flavour than oranges and have a deep-coloured flesh. In the Moro, it is not uncommon to find dark crimson flesh.

Ok, so for any of you that were thinking: "What the hell is that?" The Moro is a variety of blood orange. They are generally at their best in early April, but you can still find some well into May. They have a far stronger flavour than oranges and have a deep-coloured flesh. In the Moro, it is not uncommon to find dark crimson flesh.

180g digestives
100g unsalted butter, melted
½ tsp + 2tbsp finely grated zest
700g cream cheese *See NY Cheesecake*
100g ricotta
110g caster sugar
3 jumbo eggs
100ml juice, strained
2 gelatine leaves

Prepare a 20cm round springform tin like in “New York Cheesecake”. Blitz the biscuits to a powder in a food processor, then, with the motor still running, pour in butter and add ½ tsp of zest. Press firmly into base of tin and leave in the fridge.

OVEN: 160°C (REMEMBER: Fan = -20).

Beat both cheeses with sugar and the remaining zest with a hand mixer on slow speed until silky smooth. Add your eggs one by one and remember to scrape the sides for unmixed ingredients. You can now turn up the mixer for a few moments to lighten the mixture but DO NOT OVERMIX.

Bake the cheesecake in the ‘bain-marie’ as described in “New York Cheesecake” for just under 40 minutes. Again, same rules apply; it should be light gold and with a light wobble in the middle. Leave it in the fridge overnight.

Approx. 1½ hours before serving, make a ‘gelée’ by gently heating the juice till just (luke)warm. Next, soften the gelatine in a large bowl of COLD water. Read manufacturer’s guidelines/instructions but this usually takes 5-6 minutes. Drain and dissolve the gelatine in the warm juice. Allow the ‘gelée’ to cool slightly before pouring over the cake (still in the tin). Leave it to set for roughly an hour in the fridge then open the tin delicately when serving.
 My picture of this deleted itself but I saw this online and it's beautiful, The picture is slightly stretched (it shouldn't get that tall) but all the same. Yum! Yum! Yuuum!

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